To the wood, the flax, and the gander’s wing. Many of us spend at least part of the day in rather artificial surroundings, filled with anonymous grey plastic. In the quest for something “real”, an increasing number of people are rediscovering traditional archery as a way of reconnecting with the outdoors and the delight of good craftsmanship. One of the pleasures of traditional archery is working with beautiful and functional handcrafted tools, each bow that passes through the hands of an adept bowyer is, after all, a unique item, painstakingly created not by working on wood, but by working with wood. Whether you are happy to aim at the marks with one of these genuine products which you bought and just want to know more about the makeup of your English longbow, or whether you are ready to take it a step further and make an English longbow of your very own, this DVD is bound to please both beginners and old hands. Magén Klomp, of Fairbow in the Netherlands and Jim Boswell, of Rudderbows Archery in the United States, have joined forces in order to present an authoritative and comprehensive A to Z on the craft of making an English longbow. The viewer is taken through all the steps, from the selection of the required materials to the final awesome experience of testing the bow (nock, draw, loose!). Each step is thoroughly and clearly demonstrated, but not devoid of the indomitable spirit of these two capable veterans. These are truly archers: independent, skilful and humoristic individuals. Enjoyable and instructive, entertaining and insightful, this DVD offers you a viewing experience that is as genuine as archery itself. May your aim be straight and true.